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    Hi and welcome to MacAmp.nu – the home and history of one of the earliest Mp3 players for Macintosh. It was first released on April 13, 1997. In 1999 it was one of the most used for Macintosh.

    The decoding was based on the PlayMedia Systems AMP MPEG-2, Layers 1, 2 and 3 decoder.

    MacAmp is still available for download over here. The official site of MacAmp (www.macamp.com) is no longer available, but here – at the former official site – you can enjoy a bit of it’s history.

    On the 4.21.2002 you could read this:

    MacAmp Lite X- The Past Really Is Soon!

    You might not have believed it, but it really is true. MacAmp Lite X is coming. To stay up-to-date, join our low-traffic mailing list by emailing [email protected] with the subject line “JOIN”. Stay tuned to the new site, and if you’re interested, we may be taking a few more testers to give the app.


    “MacAmp has brought a lot of joy to our office at Newly Casino and is still keeping up delivering great music every day. We still find MacAmp being our number one choice for streaming music, although the software is super old by now.” 